Get 100% Salary increment - Sample Letter

Get 100% Salary increment

Successful Fundraising Letter


‘Fundraising’ is the process of gathering funds or other sources in the form of donations or contributions either from individuals, companies or governmental organisation. Fundraising is the efforts of recognised individuals, religious groups and other communities of the society throughout the world. A number of trusts, youth groups and non-governmental organisations run campaigns to raise funds for the welfare of the deprived classes or for needy people of the society.

A fundraising letter can be written for various reasons, but the main purpose of writing a letter is to obtain money for charity works which include relief for natural calamities, some social issues, humanitarian and many other purposes. Many times the letter is written to fund the political campaign. Whatever be the reasons for writing a fundraising letter, its only aim is to help the needy with the raised funds. The purpose of writing a fundraising letter is to ask to contribute or help in the fundraising campaign. The letter should be written in a very polite and professional tone with the clear intention of raising fund.
Sample Letters

The following is the sample letter of Successful Fundraising Letter.



Lake Road, Kolkata,

West Bengal.



Mr. Aditya Bajaj,

Manager, Bajaj India,


Subject: Regarding contribution for affected people of Nepal.

Dear  Aditya,

We from ‘Godangels’ take the opportunity to thank you for your past support in raising funds for the needy meritorious students. You are one of the most generous patrons who has always helped us in our every campaign and always showed interest in helping people out by raising funds for them and contributing money in their name.

This year we have planned to organise an orchestra programme to raise funds for the affected people of Nepal.

‘Agnee’, one of the best and famous bands of India has promised to help us in this campaign free of cost. They agreed to perform on Sunday night. Lights & Sounds Ltd. has provided us all the music system free of cost, as a part of their contribution to this noble cause. Due to our some policy and rules, we will be paying them half of their fee, though they denied for this. The cost of entry ticket per head is five hundred (500) bucks. The event will take place in Gandhi Maidan on Sunday, June 4, 2017, from 9 p.m. onward.

You being one of our consistent supporters, we request you to kindly contribute a sum of rupees one lakh ( 1 lakh) to make this event successful and to be a part of this noble cause. The entire fund will be used for their betterment. Thank you for always helping us and thank you in advance for considering this opportunity.

For any queries, feel free to contact us on +917800000529. We look forward to your help.


Rishi Raman,

Founder, Godangels,


P.S.: – Along with this letter I send you five tickets of the show for you and your family and I request you to kindly attend the show and help us to make it a successful one. Your presence is very important for us.

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