Sometimes, when a consumer purchases a commodity, he may end up not being satisfied with it. This may be either because the customer wasn’t paying attention when he bought the item, or because the item is defective or has some fault.
In case it’s the latter reason, the customer has a right to return to the item to the company that manufactured it and ask for a replacement. Such letters are formal letters that only explain the reason why the item is not satisfactory and that the customer would like a replacement as soon as possible.
Replies to such letters are a kind of acknowledgment letters that assure the person that the company has received the letter and is willing to send a replacement to the customer.
Acknowledge the Return of the Item Acquired Writing Tips:
Write in a tone that would reflect apology
Do not oppose the complaint of the consumer
Write it very formally
Explain to the consumer why this problem happened
Assure him that he would soon be getting it replaced
Acknowledge the Return of the Item Acquired Template
Use our free Acknowledge the Return of the Item Acquired to help you get started. Simply download the .doc or pdf file and customize it. If you need additional help or more examples check out some of the sample letters below.
Date: _____ (Date on Which Letter is Written)
Subject: Acknowledgement of the Return of the _____ (What Product is Found Defective) Acquired
Dear _____(Sir or Madam),
We are really sorry for the inconvenience you had with the defective model of the _______ (Which Product is Found Defective). We received a letter stating that you would like a different model.
We will replace the same for you if you can please send the _______ (Which Product is Found Defective) with the original bill and we will transport the model you requested.
We assure you that this would be a model you like and you will not face any problem. We apologize for this defective piece but do assure you that this would not be repeated and you would soon receive the replacement.
Please accept the discount coupon which you can avail on the next purchase. We appreciate your patience and look forward to serving you in future as well.
Thanking You
Yours truly,
Name and Signature
Acknowledge the Return of the Item Acquired Sample, Email and Example/Format
Subject: Receipt of defective articles and replacement guarantee
Dear Mr./Ms.______,
We at ABC would like to apologize, first of all, for the broken piece that was sold to you. As our prized customer, you should have received better service. However, with the technical glitches that accompany the refurbishing of our offices, we suppose this is something that will have to be avoided religiously.
We take full responsibility, of course, for the defective item you received and we are therefore more than willing to replace it. As you know, we will be following our 30-day replacement policy in this case. Please note that you will, therefore, receive your replacement by the end of this current month.
Also, be reassured that the replacement will not be a faulty piece. Extra care will be taken to ensure that you find no problems with your newest acquisition. As an additional sorry, we will also be attaching a Special Gold Bonus card with your replacement, which will help you secure exciting offers and discounts in your upcoming purchases. We hope this helps!
Apart from this, you are free to call up our customer service departments anytime you wish. You may also write to us with any feedback you might have. We are sorry for any inconvenience caused.
______ [Name and designation]
Email Format
Dear Name,
We are sorry for the inconvenience you had with the defective model of the computer. We received a letter stating that you would like a different model. We will replace the computer for you if you can please send the computer with the original bill and we will transport the model you requested.
We assure you that this would be a model you like and you will not face any problem. The last model was from the lot which was missed out from the stages of testing. It happens very rarely, but we apologize for our mistake and assure you that we will be providing you with the new model as soon as possible.
Please accept the discount coupon which you can avail on the next purchase, and we appreciate your patience and thank you for your business. We hope you will allow us to serve you in the future also
Your name.
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