Get 100% Salary increment - Sample Letter

Get 100% Salary increment

Writing a Strong Job Transfer Request Letter

 There are several reasons why a person may need to write a job transfer request letter. They may want to transfer to another position in the company where they are currently working, or they may need to move for personal reasons and would like to request a transfer to a position in the same company in another city.

Other possible reasons for a transfer request are:
 - To work with new challenges
 - To develop new skills
 - To be removed from tensions within a team  
 - To request a lighter load because of age or illness
 - To change the type of work such as excessive travel
 - To work in a different branch of the same company

Whatever the reason, a letter requesting a transfer within a company is very similar to a resume cover letter. The points that need to be made clear, preferably on one page, are:

    The employee’s abilities and personal strengths
    The benefit to the company for their transfer
    The benefit to the division supervisor for their transfer

When a position becomes open in a company, it is to the company’s benefit to employ someone who already works for them. This is because the employee is familiar with the company culture and expectations and already has loyalty to the company.

​If an employee learns about a job and would like to apply for it, they should do so as soon as they can after becoming aware of the opening. This shows the human resources department, supervisor and other management that the employee is enthusiastic about the transfer.

The job transfer request letter should:

    State the purpose of the letter in the first sentence
    State the position for which he or she is applying
    State the name and position of the employee
    Highlight the employees experience and abilities
    Praise the company to show the employee’s loyalty
    Explain why the employee wants to advance in the company
    Not have a bragging tone when expressing abilities

When expressing the reason for the transfer request, the employee should be honest. If he or she gives one reason to the human resources department and a different reason to coworkers, it will eventually come out and appear dishonest.

​This could negatively influence the hiring person against the candidate. The employee should also always be respectful and polite. This is not the time to complain about the job and ask for another one.

Employment Status

The employee may be applying for a particular position, but they may also apply for a transfer or upgrade of their employment status without knowing about any particular job opening.

​They can state that they would like to remain employed with the company but are looking for a position with more scope and responsibility where they can continue to make worthwhile contributions to the company’s success. Upper management or human resource personnel may know about positions that are open that have not yet been made public.

Here are samples of a job transfer request letter. They are written in the formal business format and may be sent by certified mail if it’s a large company or hand delivered if it’s a small company.

The employee should keep copies of all communication involving this transfer request. The employee should find out the name of the human resource contact or of the person in charge of hiring and address the letter to him or her.

​Sample 1 - Job Transfer Request Letter Template
[Name of Employee]
[Address of Employee]
[City, State, Zip Code]


[Name of Company]
[Name of Human Resource or Hiring Person]
[Title of Human Resource of Hiring Person]
[Address of Company]
[City, State, Zip Code]

RE: Request for job transfer

Dear [NAME],

I learned about the position of [TITLE] that has recently become open from my immediate supervisor, [Name of Supervisor], and would like to respectfully submit my application for the position.

I have worked in this company for eight years in several different departments and have a good understanding of the systems and procedures that make the company run smoothly. I have found the company to be a very well-run organization and supportive of its employees. It is my wish to further my career in this company, which is why I am applying to transfer to [POSITION].

In my present position, I have made several contributions to the projects we undertake and have been commended twice by my supervisor for innovative and time-saving solutions. For example, LIST


I would like to use my experience and expertise to further the aims of the company as [POSITION].

My full resume is enclosed with this letter. Thank you for considering my application. I can be reached at [555-123-4567] or at [] and would be happy to meet and discuss my transfer request. I will contact you again in a few days and look forward to hearing from you.


[Signature of Employee Applicant]
[Printed Name of Employee]
Applicant List of enclosures: RESUME

​Sample 2 - Job Transfer Request Letter Template
[Employee’s Name]
[Employee’s Address]
[City, State, Zip Code]


[Employer’s Name]
[Employer’s Address]
[City, State, Zip Code]

RE: Request for job transfer

Dear [Employer’s Name],

I am writing to request consideration of a transfer from my position at [Current Office] to a similar position at the [New Office].

I fully understand the requirements of the job, as I have been working at this company for the past five years and will do my best to continue working to the standard of the company.

I would be happy to meet you and give you any further information you require and answer questions. My phone number is [555-123-4567] and my email address is [].

Thank you for your consideration in this matter.


[Employee’s signature]
[Employee’s printed Name]
[List of enclosures]

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