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Sample Lease Agreement Letter

A Lease Agreement letter could be written by the landlord to the potential tenant on a property to be leased or rented out. This lease agreement letter may state the terms and conditions attached to the place of stay. The tenant is to respond with an affirmation on the lease by signing the lease agreement letter with terms and conditions attached.


Devon J. Dean
Beautiful Homes Property
531 Saint Francis Way
New Berlin, WI 53151
February 2, 2011


Matilde J. Arnold
1333 Willison Street
Rogers, MN 55374

Dear Ms. Arnold

RE: Lease Agreement

Hereby this letter serves as the lease agreement with the attached terms and conditions on the preferred property for lease at the following address:

2498 Blank Street

Maryland Heights, MO 63043

We are pleased that this property is favorable to you and we acknowledge receipt of your deposit of lease for this home. We shall be pleased to hand over the keys of this said address when you return this lease agreement signed as soon as possible. Then, you can move into the said property by February 15, 2011.

Kindly look through the attached terms and conditions of lease carefully, and revert should you have any queries. Otherwise, we look forward to an amiable leasing relationship with you.

Thank you for using Beautiful Homes Property for your staying comfort. We are pleased to be of service to you.

Respectfully yours,

Devon J. Dean

Beautiful Homes Property

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