@ at the rate of
a.a.r against all risks
a/c account
advt advertisement
art Article
A/s Sales Account
A/c Current Account
B/E Bill of Exchange
B/L Bill of Lading
BP Bill Payable
C.O.D. cash on Delivery
I.O.U. I owe you
E and O.E. Errors and omission Excepted
E.E Errors Excepted
N.B. Nota Bene, take note
P&L Profit and Loss
P.N. Promissory Note
P.S. Postscript
P.T.O. Please Turn Over.
R.S.V.P. Reply if you please
V.P.L Value Payable Letter
Cr. Creditor
C/S cases
C.W.D Cash with order
d/a documents against acceptance.
d/d days after date
dft draft
do Ditto
d/p documents against payment
Dr. Debtor
d/s days after sight
d/y delivery
e.g for example
f.a.q. fair average, quality
f.as free along side ship
f.o.b free on board
f.o.r free on railway
gro.wt. gross weight
i.e. that is
inv. invoice
L.C Letter of Credit
m/d months after date
m/s months after sight
mss manuscript
Pm premium
Pre. tem. for the time being
Prox proximo, next month
q.v. quod vide, which see
re. reference to
Req. Registered
s/d sight draft
ult. ultimo, Last month
via by way of
viz namely (videlicet)
c.i.f. cost, insurance, freight.
A L first class.
Ad. Lib ad libitum-at pleasure.
Ad. Val ad Valorem, according to value
aftn afternoon
agt Agent
a.m. antemeridiem, before noon.
amt. amount
bdl bundle
bdth breadth
bros. brothers
brl. barrel
bt. bought
C.A Chartered Accountant
C.E. Civil Engineer
Cent Centum, hundred
Cf. reference
C.H. Custom House
Co. Company
Contr. Contract
Commn commission
C/n Credit Note
Contg containing
C/o Care of
Che.pd. Carriage paid
Cub. Cubic
Cum.div With dividend
Currt. Current
Consgt Consignment
C/s Case
dept department
deld delayed
dely delivery
dist. discount
divd dividend
dk docks, dark
dks docks
doz dozen
doll dollars
etc. etcetra, and the rest
enclo-s enclosures
ex from
ex.div without dividend
exp. express
f..a.e free of all average marine insurance
f.d. free docks (goods to be delivered)
fol. folio
folg. following
f.p.a. free particular average marine insurance
fr. frame
free case no charge for case
ft. foot
gns guineas
hhd. hags head
H.P. Horse Power
H.P.N. Horse power nominal
hrs. Hours
I.O.U I owe you
i.e. id est, that is
id the same
in inch
in re in the matter of
inst. instant, present month
inv. invoice
I.H.P. indicated horse power
in ex. in extenso
ins. insurance
I/O inspecting order
junr Junior
Ko Killo
Ltd. Limited
Lugg. rail goods rail
Lgth Length
Lb. Pound for weight
Lit Litre
L.C. Letter of Credit
Lt. Light
Max maximum
med medium
Messrs Messieurs
mfg. manufacturing
mfr manufacturer
Mks. Marks
Mss. Manuscripts
Mths Months
min minimum
Vem Con. no one objecting
nom Cap Nominal capital
no. number
n. near
o. order
o/a. on account
o/d. on demand
o/o order of
P.c Percent
O/s out of stock
Oz ounce
P.C. Post Card
Pel Parcel
Per ann Per annum
Per. Pro. by proxy
Pro. Tem for the time being
PP Pages
Pro for
Prox Proximo
P.O. Postal Order
P.M. afternoon
P.P. Parcel Post
P.V. Petite vite sse, ordinary goods train.
q.v. quod vide, which see
qual quality
recd received
recpt receipt
retd. returned
R.P. reply paid
Secy Secretary
Senr Senior
Sr. Senior
sh Shilling
Str. Steamer
S/S Steamship
S.N. Shipping Note
Sq. ft. square feet
Subs. Cap subscribed capital
T.L.O. Total Loss Only
tgm. Telegram
tr. tared weight
yd Yard
yr Years
A.I.C A Associated of the institute of chartered Accountants
A.D. Ann Domini (in the year of our Lord)
A.L. Autograph Letter
A.L.S Autograph Letter Signed
A.P. Accociated Press
Apr. April
A.R. advice of receipt, annual return.
ARP air raid precaution
arr. arrives etc.
Asstt. Assitant
Aug. August
a.u.n absque ulla nota unmarked
b born
B.A. Bachelor of Arts.
B. Agr bachelor of Agriculture
A.W.O.L Absent Without Leave
BB, BBB double, treble black of pencil-lead
BBC British Broadcasting Corporation
A.I.R. All India Radio
B.F. bloody Fool
BF. Brought Forward
bhp brake horse power
B.O.T Board of Trade
b.s.g.d.g Patented without governemtn guarantee
c.d Cum dividend
Cent Centigrade
Cent Century
Col Column
Cum Cumulative
d. Damn
D.C. Da Capo, repeat from the begining
D.D.D. Dat, dicat, dedicate, gives, devotes, dedicates
Dec. December
deg Degree
D.P. Displaced Person
D.R. Dead reckoning
E.P.T. Excess profits Tax
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