Get 100% Salary increment - Sample Letter

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how write a letter

Letter writing is a creative art, unlike most people who think that writing a letter is nothing much. However, it is a sheer "misconception" that dooms disaster for people who ultimately are inept in written communication. Here I would like a elaborate about the communication process. There are three types of communication. ..

a) Verbal communication

b) Written communication

c)  Body language.

Of the above mentioned the most difficult from of communication is the written communication because in the other two types, at least you are in front of the person to whom you are communicating and thereby watching his moods and deciding then and there whether to continue the communication or postpone it. In the case of written communication you are neither able to see the person nor gauge his mood at the time of reading your written message. So you have to "choose" your words very carefully and take care to present yourself in such a way that it becomes effective on the person and deviates in your favor. Letter writing has undergone an ocean of change in a way, that a letter considered to be quite conventional around ten years ago, may sound quite ridiculous today.

Moreover the advent of fax and e-mail have once again brought writing into limelight. what was once written on a piece of paper now gets translated into the computer monitor, but the "essence" being there, the "feeling" is missing. It is a quite saddening aspect that today people tend to spend 100 times more by talking on S.T.D and  I.S.D than to write a letter. One should not forget that letters are in existence since the dawn of the civilization or possibly much before it, as depicted in the mythology. It is definitely the oldest medium of written communication which  exists even today. The author would like to "stress" that there are some definite do's and don'ts while writing a letter which should be taken care of, while writing a business letter. Personal letter's do not have any guidelines as they are written from the hears.

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