Get 100% Salary increment - Sample Letter

Get 100% Salary increment

write a letter to BPL company complaining against improper dealer service

write a letter to BPL  company complaining against improper dealer service


The Marketing Manger,
BPL India Ltd.,
Nehru Place,
New Delhi


This is to bring to your notice that the undersigned had purchased a portable color T.V. of BPL make from your dealer m/s------------------ bill no-----------------date----------------- after three months a slight defect was noticed and your dealer was immediately contacted. However, nobody from the dealer has visited the undersigned, inspite of repeated telephonic contacts. It is a matter of great disgrace that a company as reputable as BPL is appointing dealers without attaching a sense of professionalism. This in the long run can tarnish your impeccable image. You are requested to look into the matter and take proper action at the earliest.

Your positive action in this case is awaited

Thanking You

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